Faculty create a variety of tools, resources, and other products to support the work of early childhood intervention and education providers. We also share a variety of resources for professionals and families that we find helpful.
Consortium Briefs
This series of fact sheets describes issues and practices to improve access to health and rehabilitative services for children with special health care needs. They were created by The Consortium for Children and Youth with Disabilities and Special Health Care Needs, a national rehabilitation research and training center in which the Georgetown University Center for Child and Human Development participated.
Children with Special Health Care Needs and Access to Health and Rehabilitative Services | Consortium Brief 1
Children with Special Health Care Needs and Access to Specialty Care from Physicians | Consortium Brief 2
Children with Special Health Care Needs and Access to Home Health Services | Consortium Brief 3
Children with Special Health Care Needs and Access to Mental Health Services | Consortium Brief 4
Children with Special Health Care Needs and Access to Physical Therapy Services | Consortium Brief 5
Children with Special Health Care Needs and Access to Occupational Therapy Services | Consortium Brief 6
Children with Special Health Care Needs and Access to Speech Therapy Services | Consortium Brief 7
Children with Disabilities and Private Insurance Coverage of Medical Services | Consortium Brief 8
Promising Practices in Health Care Transition: A Project Brief | Consortium Brief 9
Education for All and Children with Disabilities: International Policy and Practice | Consortium Brief 10
Inclusive Education in Secondary Schools: A Global Perspective | Consortium Brief 11
Assistive Technology for Children with Disabilities and Special Health Care Needs: Introducing the Consortium’s Annotated Bibliography of Audiovisual Resources | Consortium Brief 12
Promoting Assistive Technology in an Outcome-Driven Model of Service Delivery | Consortium Brief 13
Evaluation and Assessment Models for Assistive Technology: A Faculty Sheet for Providers | Consortium Brief 14
The Benefits and Challenges of Research Partnerships: Families and University Researchers Working Together | Consortium Brief 15
Early Childhood Technical Assistance Centers
The federal government funds and supports a variety of technical assistance centers that provide resources, training, research, and professional development activities in a variety of areas critical for program implementation. All have robust websites providing a vast amount of information
Center for IDEA Fiscal Reporting
Center for IDEA Early Childhood Data Systems
Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Learning (CSEFEL)
Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Network (CoIIN) on School-Based Health Services
Collaboration for Effective Education, Development, Accountability, and Reform (CEEDAR)
Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA)
Early Childhood Personnel Center (ECPC)
Head Start Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center (ECLKC)
Infant Early Childhood Mental Health Center for Excellence
Maternal and Child Environmental Health Network: MotherToBaby
MIECHV Program Technical Assistance
Modified Early Interventionist’s Self-Efficacy Scale (M-EISES)
Promoting Cultural & Linguistic Competency: Self-assessment checklist for personnel providing services and supports in early intervention and early childhood settings. English | Español
Promoting Cultural Diversity & Cultural Competency: Self-assessment checklist for personnel providing services and supports to children with disabilities and special health needs and their families. English | Español
Families Activity Brochures
Everyday interactions are the best way to help families and caregivers in supporting all children, particularly those with developmental delays or disabilities. These brochures and resources are full ideas to promote development and participation in everyday activities.
Caregiver Guide English | Español
Community Activities English | Español
Diapering and Toileting English | Español
Eating and Feeding English | Español
Family Food and Fitness: A Guide to Healthy Eating and Exercise English
Health Fact Sheets
Building a Partnership With Your Child’s Doctor English | Spanish
Creating a Health Notebook for Your Child English | Spanish
Getting the Assistive Technology Your Child Needs: How Your Primary Care Provider Can Help English | Spanish
It Takes a Village! Finding the Community Resources Your Child Needs English | Spanish
Making the Change: From Children through Adolescence to Young Adults with Special Health Care Needs English | Spanish
Professional Associations
Professional Associations representing the wide variety of service providers maintain robust websites distributing a variety of service guidelines, professional development opportunities, blogs, special interest groups, etc.
Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy
American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc.
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health
National Association of Early Childhood Specialists in State Departments of Education
National Institute for Early Education Research
Association of State and Tribal Home Visiting Initiatives
National Association for the Education of Young Children
Recommended Practices & Service Guidelines
CASEinPoint are web based journal articles. They include descriptions of the conceptual and theoretical models and frameworks that guide the conduct of CASE studies, descriptions of CASE projects and major CASE activities and initiatives, and findings from CASE investigations, studies, and evaluations.
CASEmakers include bibliographies of selected references related to the evidence-based intervention and utilization practices used by CASE investigators. They include references to key sources of information constituting the focus of activity and investigation in the various CASE laboratories.
CASEtools include descriptions of instruments, scales and procedures for promoting an understanding of the characteristics of evidence-based practices and methods and procedures for promoting adoption of these practices.
BriefCASE are concise how-to guides designed to assist practitioners in operationalizing the characteristics of evidence-based practices. These documents are a result of practical application of early childhood and family support practices used as part of CASE investigations, studies, and activities.
CASEcollections are groupings of web-based journal articles, tools, how-to guides, and bibliographies on a specific topic or theme related to early childhood and family-centered practices.
Child Screening & Assessment (Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center)
Children with Delays in Speech (2014) (Connecticut)
Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (2012) (Connecticut)
Children with Complex Medical Needs (2017) (Connecticut)
DEC Recommended Practices (The Council of Exceptional Children, Division for Early Childhood)
Developing High Quality, Functional IFSP Outcomes and IEP Goals (Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center)
Early Learning Standards for Infants and Toddlers (District of Columbia)
Early Childhood Transition Guidelines (District of Columbia)
Early Identification: Screening, Evaluation and Assessment (Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center)
Early Identification: Part B, Section 619 Eligibility (Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center)
Early Childhood Intervention Resources (Georgetown University Center for Child and Human Development)
Guidelines to Support the Early Intervention Process: Inclusion (Pennsylvania)
High Leverage Practices (Council of Exceptional Children)
Infant Mental Health (2009) (Connecticut)
Natural Environments (2009) (Connecticut)
Occupational therapy practice guidelines for early childhood: birth through 5 years (2013) (National Guidelines Clearinghouse)
Outcome Measurement: IFSP/IEP Outcomes Integration(Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center)
Parent Participation in Early Intervention (Center for Parent Information and Resources)
Preparing for Transition from Early Intervention to an IEP (PACER Center )
Resources for Writing Good IFSP Outcomes(Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center)
Poster Presentations
Participants in all GUCCHD sponsored programs (students and faculty) complete capstone projects and research studies that result in professional poster presentations.

Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health in Early Intervention
A guide for early intervention professionals.

Disability and Developmental Delay in Very Young Syrian Refugees: Risks and Recommendations
Clare Westerman, Toby Long, Emma Morris, Jinseul Jun, Neal Horen, Rachel Brady