Learning Modules
There are a variety of early childhood intervention professionals but all share need for information about development, partnering with families, screening and assessment, and gathering information to plan intervention and education. The following learning modules will help increase the knowledge base of all professionals across the early childhood workforce from early intervention to home visiting and Head Start.
Contemporary Practices in Early Intervention (CPEI)
Contemporary Practices in Early Intervention for Children Birth through Five consists of a series of training modules and provider resources designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of early intervention and early childhood service providers from the education, health care, therapeutic, and social service fields. A free registration is required in order to complete the modules.
DC Home Visiting On-Line Modules
As part of their federally funded home visiting program, the DC Department of Health collaborated with the Georgetown University Center for Child and Human Development to create a series of on-line learning materials to support high quality implementation of home visiting across the District.
Foundational On-line Trainings for Home Visitors
This series of learning modules is designed to promote the home visitor’s knowledge of the foundations of early learning, warning signs of developmental delays, meeting the needs of families, and understanding the emerging profession of home visiting. The modules have been listed in a sequence that is beneficial for the learner but can be viewed in any order.